17 February 2008

more of fall fashion week

Bored at work, of course!

Just discovered Luella. I've never paid any attention to her before and fell in love right away. Her Spring 08 collection is so me. I showed it to Vladimir and he said at first glance he thought it was me walking down the runway. The glasses, the hair, the whole look. I want all of it. The Fall collection is so cute too.
I feel like I must seem so superficial when I obsess over fashion, but I just like it so much. I can't help it.

Luella - Spring 08 RTW

Luella - Fall 08 RTW

This is making me want to go back into fashion design. I wish I could make up my mind about these things! I think I might go back to the New York Fashion Academy in the Spring or Summer and take a few more classes. There's a slight chance I might be living in Ballard starting next month so that could work out perfectly since it's in the same neighborhood.

I went fabric shopping with Peggi yesterday and we got some really great stuff. Joann's was having a huge sale and we both got tons of stuff for super cheap. I found this great green & black plaid silk that I can't wait to make a little mini dress out of. I also got this paisley print upholstery (I love upholstery - always has the best prints and patterns) that I'm going to use as an accent on a black dress I'm starting tomorrow.

Something really, really wonderful happened at work earlier. I'll write about it when I get home. It made me so happy.