I get up in the morning, work on illustrations for this Xbox thing, go to work at my new job (brand new cafe, helping the owner open it), come home, work on illustrations more... I have not had one free moment to myself since Friday and I know that's not very long - but try being in one place, barely moving for 5 hour increments in a cold, cramped room! I feel so claustrophobic! This is stressing me out so much - but only at times. It's not a constant thing. I'll be fine for an hour or two and then I start freaking out. I think I need to go ride my bike or something. I'm all shaky and cold. I thought it was from pent up energy, but maybe my blood sugar is low...?
It's really strange to me how things are coming together right now. I'm getting more and more illustration & design jobs that are just coming out of nowhere. All are paid! How is that possible!? I have five other projects that I'm going to be starting sometime this week - which will be a huge challenge considering how much time the Xbox project is taking up right now. That is definitely my priority, but I can't turn these other things down. There are projects ranging from business logos to album covers to more tote bags for a different company in England.
It's just so good. My dad and I even discussed him getting a larger office space that we could share so that I don't have to be stuck in my room for hours at a time. He has his own business (he is an architect) and has a nice office but it wouldn't be big enough for both of us. I think having a separate place that is designated solely (I always thought the word was "soley".....??? One 'l' - not two! I've been saying it wrong my whole life until spell check on blogger caught that!) for work would really help me to focus and get more done.
I should probably look into getting a business license.
Clearly, this entry is making it quite evident that I'm going a little crazy.
But anyway, life is looking good. I am so happy with every area of my life right now - except my love life. Or lack of, rather. But other than that, (which is something I'm doing a good job of not focusing on) things are really looking up. I'm moving away from negative things and moving towards positive ones. I'm getting jobs doing things I actually like to do. I'm using my talents and getting great feedback. I'm re-connecting with all of my friends that I semi-lost over the course of my relationship (a mistake that I will never make again). My family and I are closer than ever, and each one of us are so much more comfortable with just being who we really are. I don't worry anymore what they think about my points of views or opinions. It's okay that I don't go to church. It's okay that I am who I am. It's okay that I'm voting for a democrat and not a republican (haha!). It's a wonderful thing not dealing with that kind of stuff anymore. I'm going to have enough money soon to move out of my parent's house. I love being here with them and my siblings but it's time to go. I can't wait to have my own space and some independence.
At the beginning of the year, I couldn't see anything good coming my way. Now I have hope!

Oh, one last thing. Today is George Harrison's birthday. I love him and I miss him. He was my favorite Beatle.