11 July 2008

july 9 2008

Beautiful birthday puppy!

My family all came over to celebrate my birthday on Wednesday. I told them I didn't need any gifts, I just wanted them to bring Macy. I miss her all the time so much.

We had salmon sandwiches and my mom made a delicious banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Macy discovered an old coconut in the bushes, which was a little bizarre. Andrew and Nathan cracked it open to find old, curdled coconut milk. I didn't know that was possible!

me & dad.

Macy spent the night and we had a little city adventure the next day. She's never done that before, so it was very exciting! She had a lot of fun seeing all of the different people and playing in parks she'd never seen before. Tae met up with us at Cal Anderson and we met a lot of other Capitol Hill doggies. I realized how socially awkward she is when it comes to other animals. She clearly is more of a "people person" and loves human attention, but doesn't have a clue how to get along with other dogs. I'm sure we can attribute that to her growing up in a home with 6 other people and no other pets.

I really didn't want to take her home today. She is my ray of sunshine, but my little apartment is no place for a dog like Macy.