02 July 2008

more changes

New job, more new friends, a crush (which was totally unexpected but so wonderful to be feeling this way again... I never thought that day would come! I had forgotten what butterflies felt like!), new artistic opportunities... And soon, a new year in my life. I'll be 24 on Sunday. That sounds so old to me... I can't believe I'm in my mid-twenties now.

To touch on my new job situation... I bailed out on Nordstrom. I knew I'd be unhappy if I went through with that. On Monday morning last week I walked into Anthropologie, applied, handed my application to the manager and she asked me to come back that afternoon for an interview. I was hired the next day and started two days later! So far it's a lot of fun and very easy. I get to play on walkie talkies all day and throw around all kinds of retail lingo. I often feel like I'm on some sort of important secret mission. The pay isn't very good - but I'd rather be really poor and happy than a little bit poor and unhappy. Plus, the discounts are awesome. It has been difficult to get back into the habit of having a job. It was so nice not having to work for a while. I'll definitely miss that lifestyle.

The weather has been so great this week. It was a little too hot for me last weekend, but I'll take that over rain clouds when it's supposed to be summertime. I love being able to wear my short shorts and little dresses again. I've had a bunch of great summer day moments so far. One of my favorites was when I went to the beach with Kelly and her boyfriend Ted. Ted has a little baby sailboat that Kelly refers to as his toy sailboat. They took it out on the water while I sat on the grass and ate snacks. I had on an all white dress and had it gotten wet, which it would have, then that would've been slightly embarrassing. So I stayed dry on land. I wish I'd had my camera - but I guess I just wasn't very prepared that day, so I took a picture with the camera on my phone.