26 November 2008

my teeth hurt

I think I have cavities. I should go to the dentist, but I really don't like it there.

I can't sleep, so I was going to try and finish a drawing I'm doing for my friends, but I got fed up and frustrated. So I stopped.

"Well. About how I'm not nearly as good at the things I wish I were. That I feel like I'm good at a lot of things but not really, really good at just one. And about how that confuses me and I don't know what I want to do with myself or my life. Which makes me just ultimately not want to do anything, and just enjoy everyone else who does the things I wish I were much better at instead."

That is what I just said, when asked what I was thinking about.

I am very confused right now. I am missing Macy a lot. I think if I could just cuddle with her right now, everything would be okay.

I was clicking... click, click, click, click... and found her stuff. That is some really neat stuff.

I would like to go away for a while.

I am sounding a little crazy.

Sleep, sleep, sleep.