11 December 2010

the witch's head nebula

David Malin, The Witch's Head Nebula, IC 2118

I saw this print today while flipping through books at the Phaidon book store in SoHo. I instantly wanted it and would have purchased it were they not selling it for around $1300. I also went into A.P.C. and tried on the coat I posted about the other day. It was perfect and I would have bought it if it weren't $575. Manhattan makes me feel poor, short and chubby. In Brooklyn, I feel normal or even better than normal. 

Tomorrow, Ashley and I are going to pay our friend a visit at Princeton. I am excited to see the campus and be someplace I have never been before. Then it's time to go back home, and I'm okay with that this time. I think that means I'm (slowly) getting better.