I stayed with the boys all day today - meaning, I was with them for 12 hours rather than the usual 8. We had our usual fun, went on our usual walk, had snacks at our usual cafe, played hide-and-seek, went on our usual imaginary vacations to California and Hawaii, sang our usual lullabies ("Harvest Moon", "Till There Was You", "Baby Mine") and did our usual post nap time snuggling on the couch. After Asher was in bed this evening, Kai and I played cars. My arms, shoulders and head acted as hills until we built a "really awesome" jump out of books on the coffee table.
Then there was a moment when Kai tilted his head, put his hand on my knee and said, "I really, really love you, Ah-yee." Ooh, my heart strings.
September is getting closer every day, and I seriously don't know how I'm going to cope with being apart from him. This tiny boy has me wrapped around his finger in a way that no other guy ever has.