I imagined I was somewhere other than Seattle today as I rode the bus to work. The hills surrounding Lake Union were not occupied by familiar neighborhoods, the streets I travel down every day led to places I had never been, and at each turn I pretended I didn't know what was coming next. I imagined everything was unfamiliar, even the faces of the people I commute with daily. For most of the day I have been in such a dreamy state; my body may be surrounded by people and places that I know well, but my head is somewhere else completely.
It is hard for me to understand lately what exactly it is I need to do for myself in the coming days. There are hundreds of thoughts and desires flickering through my mind every day. So many doors are opening up, people are coming to me with their ideas and wanting to work with me on projects. I wish I could say yes to everything and take advantage of every possible opportunity. But, I have been longing to leave this place for a while, and lately I have been growing more and more restless. I am hungry for a new perspective on the world. I want to learn new things and meet new people. I want to remove myself from the reality that surrounds me and find the importance that lies in other things.
I will be in New York in a couple of weeks for a mini-vacation and to visit my sister. She and I will start to make plans about traveling while I'm there. We would love to WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities in Organic Farming) our way through different places. We're not sure where yet, but we're both eager to go anywhere.
I can sense things happening - shifts and movements, transitions, changes. Big things are coming. I can feel it in my bones!