10 July 2011

birthday continues

Last evening I held a big gathering at Cure for all of my pals to hang out and celebrate my birthday with me. It was so much fun bringing everyone together. Earlier in the evening, my sweet, sweet girl friends gave me The Best Present of All Time - a very generous gift certificate to Totokaelo. I nearly started to cry when I opened it. I was so incredibly surprised and moved. (You can sort of catch the look on my face at first sight of it, although it is quite blurry.) I'm not sure what I have done to deserve the friendships I have found and grown in over the past couple of years - and it seems these past nine months have only made these friendships more fruitful. I have had a series of disappointing, hurtful and overall unsuccessful female friendships ever since I was a child. I can say now though, with a full and happy heart, that I have the greatest group of ladies in my life; true-blue friends.

Once everything started to wind down at Cure, Jarred talked me into karaoke - which is not an easy task. We had our own private room though, so I was happy to make a fool out of myself amongst a small group of my friends. If you must know, I demonstrated my vast musical talent by performing a couple of Broadway tunes, and also a little bit of Jay-Z. You wouldn't guess it by looking at me, but believe you me, I can rap. ;) I was having too much fun last night to take pictures*, which I am regretting a bit now. However I don't regret having too much fun, of course! The night didn't end until 4AM, which is an hour I have not seen in a very long, long time. 

After sleeping in until 1 o'clock this afternoon, I spent the rest of my day on the beach with my family. It was another beautiful day in Seattle, providing the perfect evening for a beach picnic. We grilled hotdogs, drank concealed wine and ate my Gramma's delicious blueberry cobbler for dessert.

This has been simply the most memorable birthday (days). I am overwhelmed with the amount of love I have been shown by my friends and family over the past week. I cannot reiterate enough how incredibly lucky I am to be surrounded by such wonderful, caring and thoughtful people. 

*There were a couple funny photos snapped of me by unknown photographers, where it's evident that I am having a really good time. An example, here. Oh, and much thanks to my dear Olivia for letting me borrow her beautiful Rachel Comey dress last night- one I have been pining for years.