08 August 2011

catching up

One evening as I was stepping out, the evening light was spilling across the hallway wall and it was full of color. I'm not sure where or what the light was reflecting through to create the rainbows - but it was such a pretty surprise. I took this photo of it with one of the last exposures left on a roll of film. I wish the colors had turned out as vibrant as they had looked in person. Love little moments like those!


I have been so incredibly busy these past two weeks, I can't remember the last time I had a moment to myself - hence the silence here.* One birthday or event follows another (just returned home from a friend's birthday party), my sister's temporary residency at my place has kept me extra socially occupied, and life in general has been all abuzz ever since summertime arrived (yes, finally!). I have been playing in the sun everyday, only to be home or indoors for very short increments at a time. I am constantly exhausted as a result but, believe you me - I am happy to be. 

On Saturday my beloved Gramma turned 84 (she maybe looks 70), so my family spent a lovely evening all together and ate delicious peach pies, made by my aunt.** Every moment spent with Gramma is special, and I like to think that I always celebrate her in my thoughts and heart. It's just extra nice to gather as a family to recognize the woman who has done so much to make us all who we are. She's touched each of our lives in such a significant way. I've said it time and time again; I hope to be just like her when I grow up. There never was such a sensational woman as she!

Next weekend is Doe Bay Fest, which I am pretty excited for. I have a feeling it may not be the romantic summer camping experience that I have been envisioning. In fact, it will most likely be dirty, smelly and slightly disgusting, as most music festivals are. Nevertheless, I am excited to get away for an extended weekend to be surrounded by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. I am also anticipating that there will be plenty of opportunity to play with my cameras which I have been unintentionally neglecting lately. So, I am looking forward to having some time to refocus (no pun intended! Hee-hee, ha-ha, ho-ho) on that. 

Well, I must try to preserve as much energy as I can for the weekend, so I ought to close my computer, shut off the light and get some sleep. I'll be surprised if I can manage to squeeze in more than 5 hours on any given night this week.

* I guess I actually haven't been that quiet! Each day is so long it seems like I haven't written in much longer than only two days.
**She is known amongst all of us to be the best pie maker, a skill I'd very much like to master myself. We plan to have a pie crafting day - cannot wait for that! Other than the birthday cakes I've made this summer (mine and Olivia's), I've hardly been baking at all. I suppose that's typical, as most people associate baking with cozying up inside during the fall and winter. However, I love baking more than almost anything, so I have missed having the time to dedicate to that.