Quite a few of my friends are traveling right now, each sharing beautiful photos of their adventures abroad and each getting me more excited for my own. I cannot wait to be in their shoes and capturing it all in film!
Caitlin is in Scandinavia. I especially love the one of the Icelandic horses.
Toby & Kersti are/were out and about in Asia. (Miss you girls!) This is especially funny.
Sean is all around in Europe and killing it with his photos, as per usual.
Some side notes:
Little Dipper is up & running again. Self-employment officially begins! Take a peek here, too.
I have a roll of black & white film to develop. I can't recall what I've shot with it. Hopefully there's something interesting there. I will share those soon.
Tomorrow, possibly a day at Discovery Park with Elsie and Claire (if the weather isn't completely dreadful).