On certain days before the sun goes down, we pay Donkey a visit. Donkey lives just down the dirt road from La Serranía. Usually bearing goodies of all kinds (bread, lettuce, tomatoes), we shower him with chatter and little love pats on his nose while he enjoys his meal. Donkey doesn't have many friends and seems to be pretty lonesome. I did a lot of reading on donkeys once I met our Donkey, and learned that they are very social creatures who need companionship. He lives all by himself - save for the neighbor cats who drop by from time to time. I feel sad for him, our poor lonely Donkey. I'm always wishing I could get closer to him and give him a nice snuggle. If only I had some goats to give him to be his friends once we are gone.
Ashley, dancing down the road, treats for Donkey in hand.
I love his big, furry ears!
The prettiest cat I've ever seen - she has the biggest blue eyes!