27 April 2012


Walking home to our hostel late one night, a group of Sevillano boys standing on the corner across from our door yelled, Hola! Venir aquí! and summoned us to join them. We stood, drinking free beers and trying to carry on conversations with them, partially in broken English and partially in broken Spanish. Every night after that we bumped into them and had so much fun hanging out with the locals. I think meeting people and making new friends is one of the best parts of traveling and creates a far more authentic and experience. We loved these boys! They broke our hearts with their kindness and, let's be honest - their good looks. Los chicos son muy guapos! Pitter patter, pitter patter...

The streets are so small (as most in Europe are), when a car came by we all had to press ourselves against the walls and stand on our tippy toes so our feet would not get crushed.