01 February 2008

things to look forward to

I am in love with this man. He reminds
me of a more fashionable David the Gnome.

1. Monday. Getting new glasses.
2. Tuesday. Going to Vancouver, B.C. with Jen. Shopping spree at H&M! So psyched.
3. End of March. I'm getting out of a work environment where nobody respects or values me - except for the customers. It takes everything in me to get myself up and go in there every day.
4. Making another poster for The Parson Redheads.
5. More days off (down to 4 shifts a week) so I can take better care of my self. Maybe I'll finally be able to sleep at least 3 nights out of the week.
6. Yoga with my sister.
7. March 22nd-30th. Potentially going to L.A. with Anastasia and her band while they record an album. This also means hanging out with Evan & Brette and making new friends.
8. Month of April - Traveling. I don't know where to yet, but knowing that I'm getting out of this country for a while is a really great feeling.
9. Returning home to re-evaluate my life. I have no idea what to expect anymore.