I'm bored at work and way too sleepy to read so I'm going to talk/write a lot.
My Valentine's Day turned out to be pretty great. My sister and I went to the Queen Mary Tea Room in the University District. It was even better than I had hoped it would be. Amazing, seriously! I had the strangest but best breakfast ever. A strawberry & brie omelette. So weird, so good. Whoever thought eggs and strawberries could go so wonderfully together? Ashley had french toast which was probably the best I've ever had. They also give you this amazing assortment of fruit which they slice and arrange in such a beautiful way that I had a hard time eating it. Oh and the tea was delicious of course. I'm a huge fan of this place now and I can't wait to go back. Possibly the best part was the bird cage that's built into the entry way. They have two pretty doves.
After that I spent most of the day with Jen. We went to Gasworks to enjoy the sun for a while (it was such a beautiful day), then we went to Ballard, Fremont and Queen Anne. We didn't accomplish anything we set out to do but it was okay. Then I went to the Bellevue Library to visit Peggi and drop off her Valentine's present. I was supposed to go home right after that and work on these 10 illustration I'm supposed to have done today - but I ended up staying there with her for probably almost two hours. We laughed at the weird people who call in (she works the answer line).
I filled my time with people and things that I love. So, it was a good day. At least until I went to bed. I couldn't sleep at all, so I called Macy and she cuddled with me all night. I was probably only asleep for 3 hours and then I had to get up to take my parents to the airport and go to work right afterwards. They are going to Southern California because my dad's vocal band is singing down there. haha.
I start hot yoga today. It's the first time I've ever done it and I'm so nervous! They heat the room to 102 degrees and say you can burn 400-1200 calories in one class. So intense... I'm probably going to pass out or vomit. Or both. I know I'm going to be so proud of myself once I get through it though. My sister and I are going shopping later for the appropriate yoga attire. I don't have anything to work out in because typically I'm pretty lazy when it comes to exercise.
I have an interview at 7:00 tonight for a barista position at a cafe that's opening up. It's supposed to be like the Bauhaus of the east side but we'll see. Hopefully it will be as cool as I've been told it is. I need to get away from Terra Bite asap. I told the owner that I will be gone the last week of March and most of April, but she still wanted to meet me so I feel like that's a good sign somehow. I'm not sure exactly what I mean by that.
Ok. It has taken me 3 hours to write this. I'm giving up!
PS. Seattlites, FYI: There is a Fleet Foxes show tonight at the Vera Project ($7, all ages - which never happens, 7:30PM) . You should go and stand in for me to support them. I wish I could still go to those shows. Although, it's not the shows or the music that I miss. The reasons I went had little to do with the music and more to do with supporting somebody I really cared about. So, go, have fun and support the boys before they get too popular and their shows are impossible to get into.