14 April 2008



I wanted to post pictures of my apartment but I realized that I don't have photoshop. I'm at my parent's house (weird) on my brother's computer. I don't have the internet at my place, so the only times I'll be online are when I'm at work (which is not very often) and when I happen to be at my parent's for whatever reason. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be getting a macbook, and then everything should be in working order (internet-wise).

The move went pretty well. I did end up doing pretty much everything - with the help of my two brothers. I'm all moved in and unpacked - Ashley still has boxes and garbage and unwanted clutter everywhere. I can't wait for her to sort that out so we can settle and decorate and enjoy our new space.

It hasn't set in yet that I actually live at that apartment. I just feel like I'm house sitting or something. Being here in my old room (which my brother Daniel took over as soon as I stepped out of this house) feels like home to me still. I suppose it always will. It will be nice when my apartment feels like home. I have to admit, I felt a little homesick my first night while trying to fall asleep on the floor (I don't have a bed yet).

Anyway. I'm so tired, I haven't had one second to rest or enjoy myself. I had to work Saturday evening after moving in and on Sunday I was putting Ikea furniture together all day and heping Ashley move in. I didn't get to bed until 1am. I had to work early this morning at 5:30 (got up at 4:30) and have been running errands since I got off at 10:30. Once I get back over to Seattle I have to run more errands and then hopefully my parents will be coming over tonight to see us. They've been out of town since Thursday.

I have the next 3 days off - thank god. I can hang around my place, clean, organize, rest, do whatever I want!

I will try to get pictures up soon!