21 August 2008

rainy play day

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My friend Stephen was here visiting from England for a week. It was so great having him here. He never fails to make me laugh and cheer me up - even if it is at my own expense, which it typically is!

On Sunday we had a family picnic for my cousin Andrew's birthday (the little one on the right). He turned 10 years old. It was so wonderful to spend the day with my family. After the picnic, we had the boys come over to our place for a sleep over. They absolutely love Stephen and have so much fun with him. We played hide & seek (not an easy game in a one bedroom apartment), we wrestled, had pillow fights and ate lots of popsicles. We went to Top Pot the next morning for breakfast (we bribed them into bed with promises of donuts). It was a cloudy day, which is something we haven't seen for weeks in Seattle. We decided to take a walk to the park and splash in the puddles. We played on the swings and slides and teeter totters and tossed a frisbee until it was pouring down rain. We got soaking wet but it was great. For lunch we made toasted cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. We all bundled up in blankets and watched The Munsters on DVD.

We had so much fun together. It made me forget for a while about everything else going on in my head and in my heart. A much needed dreamy day and mental vacation from reality.