27 August 2010

welcome, little baby

Kai and I spent the day in a quiet and restless excitement as we awaited the arrival of his new brother or sister. Kate & Cory decided to keep the gender a surprise, so we have all been playing guessing games for the past nine months. Kai had been pretty persistent about it being a sister the past few weeks, and came up with numerous names for her like, Bye-Bye, Mom and Elmo. I had started to feel some pretty strong girl vibes, too - so I was surprised when a baby boy arrived. His name is Asher and he is beautiful! Meeting him in the hospital was such a special moment and made me feel very nostalgic for the days when my own little sister, brothers and cousins were born. I cannot express how much new little lives enchant me. They are so tiny and so perfect. 

I am so excited and lucky to be the nanny of two precious boys. Kai is going to be such a wonderful big brother. The three of us are going to have a lot of fun together. 

Here's to slugs, snails and puppy dog tails!