I am back in Seattle, much to my demise. Although, my cozy apartment was very nice to return to. All of my thanks to Olivia for keeping all of my plants alive!
I am on east coast time, so I woke up at 8am (after sleeping for 12 hours) and spent some time laying in bed whilst planning my day and hoping to pack it full of nice fall activities. I will be spending this Halloween evening at my uncle's house on Phinney Ridge, carving pumpkins and handing out candy to the kids on his street. He is constantly badgering me to bring him a pie, no matter what season. So I think today I will bake something for us to nosh on (gingerbread apple upside-down cake, maybe?). This will require a stop at the Capitol Hill Sunday Farmer's Market, and while I'm out and about I will drop off my New York film to be developed. I might also head to Madewell and buy the clog boots that I can't seem to get off of my mind. They're a cute alternative to the No.6 clog and Sweedish Hasbeens jodhpur, and nearly half the price. Justified!
31 October 2010
29 October 2010
I am so excited to attend both of these next weekend! The thought of going home was paining me so much, that I decided to plan another getaway after the work week. My Anastasia's husband, Nate had his short selected to be in the Northwest Film & Video Festival. I am so excited for them and also very eager to see his film, The True Believers. Will anybody else be attending either of these?
nyc note
I am having a lovely time in New York. The weather has been nice and I have been busy every day with many activities and distractions. I have seen some lovely people, had some good snacks, purchased some nice things for my home and did a little damage at the A.P.C. surplus store where I found a few things from last winter for very cheap. So what if they're from a season a whole year behind?
It's been so good to get away from home. I have found myself dreaming of not returning to Seattle, not to live in New York (I never would want to- that dream has passed), but to live elsewhere. Maybe Germany? After all, I did tell myself that if a particular thing in my life didn't work out the way I'd hoped it would, then I would flee to Germany for a while to recoup and repair. Perhaps I could go WWOOFing there, or be a nanny for a family in Munich? Well anyway. New York City is a place for dreaming, and that's certainly what I've been trying to do; hope for my future and have good faith that everything will be okay, even though I don't feel very okay right now.
My sister and I are off to the Natural History Museum, but first, we are going to make one last stop at Babycakes (I wrote about this place so long ago and now I've finally gotten to experience it) for a delicious biscuit with cream and jam. We will be meeting our new friend, Vicki there who is actually from Munich, so I will have to smother her in questions!
I hope everyone had a lovely week. I'll be back with photos and stories very soon.
It's been so good to get away from home. I have found myself dreaming of not returning to Seattle, not to live in New York (I never would want to- that dream has passed), but to live elsewhere. Maybe Germany? After all, I did tell myself that if a particular thing in my life didn't work out the way I'd hoped it would, then I would flee to Germany for a while to recoup and repair. Perhaps I could go WWOOFing there, or be a nanny for a family in Munich? Well anyway. New York City is a place for dreaming, and that's certainly what I've been trying to do; hope for my future and have good faith that everything will be okay, even though I don't feel very okay right now.
My sister and I are off to the Natural History Museum, but first, we are going to make one last stop at Babycakes (I wrote about this place so long ago and now I've finally gotten to experience it) for a delicious biscuit with cream and jam. We will be meeting our new friend, Vicki there who is actually from Munich, so I will have to smother her in questions!
I hope everyone had a lovely week. I'll be back with photos and stories very soon.
21 October 2010
tender moment
Before I moved from this spot and risked him waking (which, he did), I had to take a picture of Kai sleeping sweetly in my lap. I wish I could snuggle him like this forever. It makes my heart feel better. I will miss him so much next week while I am gone.
18 October 2010
I just discovered a new way to spend hours on the internet. How is it that I've never heard of this before?
16 October 2010
bundle up
In preparation of La Nina , I think I will need all of the above in order to stay warm. Don't you think? I am a complete wimp in the cold. I love that Rachel Comey's Second Husband Coat has a faux pink fur lining. All of those coats look even cuter on the models than they do in these photographs. If only I had 2 grand to spare for a winter wardrobe!
1-3. Knitwear by Siu Yin Chau, 4. Second Husband Coat by Rachel Comey, 5. Tweed Toggle Coat by Carven, 6. Puffer Jacket by MM6, 7. Euston Coat by Rag & Bone, 8. Langta Boots by Tretorn
11 October 2010
10 October 2010
little dipper: more!
I just put up lots of cute new stuff in my shop, Little Dipper. Take a peek!
PS. Do any of you know of other bloggers who may be interested in my shop? Mommies or friends of mommies? I would like to share it with those who may be interested. If you don't mind, please leave me a comment with a link!
09 October 2010
elle: till whatever do us part
I was happy to see this article in Elle yesterday while in the waiting room at the eye doctor. I agree with what the author says, and found it refreshing to see a point of view so much like my own in a popular publication. I may not be married, but the topic of this article hits very close to home. I hope to someday be one of those people in a relationship like the author's grandparents, who stick it out through thick and thin and spend their lifetime loving, learning and growing together - despite what hardships may come their way.
06 October 2010
new york
I'm going to New York in a couple of weeks to visit Ashley in her new Brooklyn home. I cannot wait to spend some time with her and have a little vacation.
X (a heart) marks the spot. See you soon, little sister!
05 October 2010
Holy moly! Joanna Goddard of Cup of Jo featured Little Dipper on her blog this morning. I am so excited about this - I can hardly believe it! This caliber of attention is not something I was prepared for, but I am extremely thankful. Time to get my bum to the post office!
Thank you, Joanna!
01 October 2010
little dipper: open!
Geeze Louise! It only took me all day, but I am finally open for business. It feels so good to finally be here! I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Please leave your comments here or send me an email (alysonsharon at gmail).
I plan to do more shopping this weekend, so get ready for more sweet treats!