02 December 2010

arabica lounge

Oh, Arabica. It only took one visit to win my heart. It counts among my favorite cafes in Seattle (maybe the favorite?) and conveniently is only a few blocks from my apartment. They serve Stumptown coffee! And toast with lemon curd and blueberry jam! And they play Mozart on vinyl! They have great furniture, project unusual (Pee Wee!) films on the wall above the bar area and the loveliest of baristas work there, too. I wish I had more free time because I would spend it in there eating delicious cake and making friends.

I took these pictures with the disappointing camera on my phone - so don't let them fool you. I also took some with a disposable, so hopefully those will turn out nicer. I'm hoping that maybe someday, I can contribute with my own installation and prints of my photos will be hanging on that wall.

PS. It's December!??