The summer of 2009 was the best summer of my life. The weather was amazing, I had the lovliest group of ladies that I spent nearly all of my time with, eating ice cream cones and swimming daily. At the time, I was also falling in love. Everything was easy and beautiful. When I remember that summer, I become incredibly wistful; my heart swells and all I can recall is magic. Kai was only 11 months old, and we would spend our afternoons laying in the back yard under a big white tent. We read books, napped and watched for bugs in the grass. If I had to choose one time in my life to return to, that would be the one.
When Kai woke up from his nap today, he wanted to "play K-A-I" (meaning, he wanted to type his name over and over again on the computer. Kai is 2 and a half and he can count over 20, spell his name, knows his alphabet and can read - or at least recognize some words). Instead we found ourselves looking through the hundreds of photos and videos I've managed to accumulate over the years since I became his nanny. It's probably a little silly, but a strong sense of nostalgia washed over me when I saw this little video; the light from the sun pouring in through the windows, the birds chirping, and Kai's sweet pre-talking baby noises. I can tell just from the look on my face how happy and at peace I was during that time.
I cannot wait for days like those to return, and I trust that they will. Hopefully soon.