14 February 2011

valentines, shmalentines

Some things from Miss Comey that I think I deserve... If only I could afford them - even just one! Any of these would have made a lovely valentine, if I had an admirer. Of course I am just dreaming, I would never expect something so generous for a silly holiday such as this - or for any holiday or non-holiday, for that matter.

I still want those boots very badly (black or cream? I cannot decide). And, I am mad at myself for not buying this blouse back when I had the means to do so. 

I feel I should mention, that today I actually did receive a wonderful surprise in the mail; a set of new Victorinox knives, with rosewood handles, from my parents. They were my Christmas gift, but only just arrived today. Perfect timing, I must say! I was so impatient to use them that as soon as I got home, I rushed to the grocery store to buy things that I could cut up. I made myself a nice dinner with plenty of vegetables which required lots of slicing and dicing. For dessert I cut up some strawberries to put atop some chocolate ice cream; a nice little Valentines treat for one.

Three valentines also arrived in my mail box today - one from each grandma and one from my sweet friend Jess (how I miss you!). All were lovely and uplifting. 

So, "harumph" to Valentine's Day romance (says the jaded single girl). Who needs it!? Actually, in all honesty, I didn't feel bad, not even a little bit, that it was Valentine's Day today. So for that I am quite impressed with myself!

Images via La Garconne.