16 April 2011


I spent a fruitful portion of my Friday morning scouring the shelves at Value Village. Sarah and I did some brainstorming over breakfast and discussed possible plans for a new business venture. These ideas are what inspired the desire to do some shopping. I wasn't expecting to find anything, but happily discovered that there was much to be desired; endless amounts of great japanese stoneware, wooden bowls, brass rimmed dishes - just to name a few. I was so excited about my finds, that once I got home, I immediately pulled out my camera, along with the things I salvaged from my home last weekend. And, simply because I think food and product photography is so much fun, I set up a few little vignettes on my kitchen table. I have a pretty great little collection taking shape!

It has been a full and busy day, with friends, productive alone time and a nice night out. I needed it. Tomorrow I am headed to Vashon island with my Toby and Olivia. I am really looking forward to some good lady time.

It is after 3am!  Typically I am in bed before midnight. What has become of me this week?