I went to my favorite nursery with Gramma, both of my uncles and my aunt on Friday. We had lunch in the cafe which is in a greenhouse of it's own. It was the only beautiful day we've had in a couple of weeks, so it was beyond nice to spend time with all of them while enjoying the sun, surrounded by every tree, flower and shrub you can imagine. I found a pretty new plant for my apartment. It is a bit funny in that it reminds me of Barbie wedding bouquets. In the pictures the perspective isn't telling, but the blossoms are quite small.
Also, the prints arrived over the weekend. They turned out pretty nice. Perhaps a bit fuzzy, but that's something I can fix on my end. Otherwise, the quality of the paper is spot on. Getting close, I hope!
I would love to hear which photos you'd like to see hanging on your own wall. I'm going to need some help making selections!