16 August 2011

T H E   F U L L   M O O N   F E S T I V A L

There is nothing else like this!

I woke up to dreamlike foggy mornings where the sunshine burst through the tall tree tops in smoky rays. I wandered around the 36 acres of Doe Bay with my sister, coffee and camera in hand, and came upon a familiar face in the woods who was playing his guitar and singing so sweetly. Every day the sunshine would burn off the hazy mornings, the fog slowly creeping out to the haunting sounds of Damien's voice echoing throughout the bay.  I spent hours lounging and laughing in the sunshine with some of my favorite people. We danced and sang our hearts out from noon to night. Nothing can compare to the sound or feeling of hundreds of voices all joining in song at once (some examples here & here). I enjoyed moments alone with my book (The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by The Maria Trapp! Dreamy!) during warm afternoons in the shade of the crooked tree that stretched out from our campsite. Late in the evenings the full moon would appear and at night it shone so brightly, we didn't even need flashlights. I laughed harder than I have in a long time, met lots of lovely people, made new friends and so many wonderful memories of which I will never forget. Doe Bay Fest was so much more than a music festival - it was an entirely different experience, that unless you were there, is hard to accurately explain. It may sound like I'm exaggerating, but truly it was almost ethereal - more than I ever dreamed it would be. Completely glorious! 

Now as I lay here in my big empty bed, Ashley is back home in New York and I am feeling homesick for our little tent home under the meandering tree. I cannot wait - cannot wait - to go back next year.

Below is a list of bands/musicians you must experience by some of the most talented and awesome people from the weekend, some of which I'm honored to call my friends. 

1. Pickwick - Simply the most fun performance I've seen - and simply the best guys, too.
2. Bryan John Appleby - As I've said before, you mustn't miss out on this.
3. Campfire OK - Mychal is hilarious & sweet, Melodie was named appropriately; she has the voice of an angel & a heart of gold.
4. Frank Fairfield  - This guy!! So amazing.
5. Lemolo - Two of the best ladies, beautiful music.
6. Damien Jurado  - Obviously.

Ps. I have another roll of film I need to finish and develop, so there will be more to come - including some digital, but not many. Also, take a peek at my lovely & talented friend Sarah's photos from the weekend here. She did a beautiful job of capturing the spirit of it all.

Video of Campfire Ok by me. Video of Pickwick by Allison Fearn.