16 September 2011

A     G O O D     S I G N

I just stumbled in the door after a long, long day. I've been on my feet since this morning, running around town and getting things ready for tomorrow's show. About half way through our to do list, Christine and I stopped for a bite & some rejuvenation (cofffeeeee!) while waiting for the printers to finish our pieces up. When I looked down into my mug, a big smile was beaming up at me. Christine and I both felt this was a good omen; tomorrow is going to be great! 

Everything is finished and I couldn't be more proud of what we produced together. All of the pieces are now hanging in the space (which is so beautiful!) and ready for their big debut. Although our work is certainly not the point of the show, I am still really looking forward to it and am so eager to see what people think.