...for you are my little bunny."
With many tears and a very heavy heart, I kissed my sweet boys goodbye yesterday.
I'm not quite sure what I will do now without them in my every day - without their hugs and their kisses. Without Kai's sweet little voice and all of his many questions and opinions. Without Asher's big smile and his funny little sense of humor. Of all the changes happening in my life right now, this one is without a doubt the hardest. I love them both with my entire heart.
Being their nanny was the best thing I've ever done.
Bunny and Baby, I am forever sending you a "blinky thumbs-up".
Ps. This is what I've been working on for Kai (password: kaiandaly - he picked it). I still have a lot more to do; three years worth of photos and videos* take some time to sift through. It is called Huckleberry Friends after the song, "Moon River". I used to sing that to him at nap time, and gently poked him on the tummy when singing, "my huckleberry friend."
*Please try to ignore my annoying baby voice.