07 November 2011

A   W E E K E N D   A T   S A R A H ' S

I feel so disconnected from my world here these days. Everything is still in a bit of a shifting phase, I'm never in one place for long - always moving back and forth between here and there and everywhere. I am still living out of boxes and feeling awfully uprooted. I have had so many things I've wanted to write about and share here, but just haven't had the time or opportunity.

I spent this past weekend at Sarah's, as the bridge over Lake Washington between Seattle and Kirkland was closed and would only make my commute that much worse (I watched Kai, Asher and their cousin Lena on Saturday). Sarah has such a nice space in a beautiful old house on Capitol Hill. It's so cozy and has an incredible view. She is a painter, so her bedroom also doubles as her workspace. Surrounded by her paintings that are scattered about the room, one can't help but feel inspired.

We had such a fun time, staying out late, discussing matters of the heart and laughing about silly things. I have a feeling Sarah and I will have many more slumber parties over the next few months, when I need to escape the east side and find my city, full of my favorite people and places at my doorstep.