04 January 2012

" S U L I A "

Not long after Christmas day, my dear friends Suli & Julia (Sulia, as I like to call them) got engaged. They had a quaint private party at a restaurant. It was dark and cozy, and therefore hard to get good pictures (I really ought to upgrade my camera - especially before my trip!). Suli secretly recorded the proposal on his phone. I watched the video and although it was too noisy in the room to hear any of the words exchanged between them, it was so touching and made me cry (of course).

These two are some of the greatest people I know, and they make an absolutely perfect match. It's so exciting to see a pair like them together, two people whose love and partnership one can really believe in. I cannot wait for their wedding next fall! I know that I can count on it to be a true celebration, and for a really great party to follow.


  1. I wish I could have been there.  Our friends are the BEST party people.  And I can only imagine having something as grand as this to celebrate.  Congratulations "Sulia"  I love you together and individually :)

  2. Thanks Ashley! Wish you could have been there too. We'll give your more forewarning about the wedding...
