03 March 2012

E S P A Ñ A    -   D Í A     U N O -     M A D R I D

I am afraid I will not be able to keep up with all that is happening - and it is only the end of day two (as I write this it is 5:30 AM!). So, this might be a bit brief!

On Friday, after our nap, Ashley and I met up with my long time trans-continental/blog friend Elena and her sister, María. There is always a risk involved when meeting someone in person for the first time; perhaps they will not translate to be the way that you interpreted them to be, or maybe you just will not connect with one another. I am so happy to report that Elena, Maria, my sister and I get along as though we have been friends for ages. It feels as though we have spent much more time together than only one and a half days. I couldn't be happier about this! They have both been so wonderful, so generous with their time and have shown us the best places in Madrid.

Our first night with them was a lot of fun. We went to a small bar/restaurant, had some snacks and wine and then went to a bar elsewhere (I can't keep track of where we were - I believe it was called The Door, but in Spanish, of course). A friend of Elena's had designed parts of the interior, including the bathroom which happened to be our favorite room. I think my father, being an architect, would appreciate it too! After having a drink, we walked through the city and then parted ways to go back to our homes (which are only five minutes apart!). It was a very nice and easy evening - perfect for two very sleepy and jet-lagged travelers.

I took A LOT of photos today (Saturday), so it may take me a little while to edit them all down and post them. I will try to do that before I end up with another set of a million pictures tomorrow.