Monday, March 19th
The rain fell and wind blew all day long today, and while the rain seems to have passed the clouds are still hanging around. After all of the beautiful weather we've been having, I feel like I'm paying some sort of penance for my friends at home in Seattle! I keep wishing I had an issue of Kinfolk to read and a big, warm quilt to wrap myself up in. This house with it's huge windows is straight out of a dream on a sunny day - but it gets pretty cold and drafty on days like this.
Images: Kinfolk Magazine Gallery
Also, dreaming of a chai (Ashley, I may have to borrow your recipe!) with steamed milk, honey and cinnamon accompanied by a buttery scone. I might have to make some later as I'm not sure what else to do with my time.
March 22nd
It's still mostly grey today, but the sun is trying hard to shine. I made the aforementioned scones yesterday and taught an eager German girl (she is here with the yoga group) how to make them. I hope mine and my sister's instructions will help her to successfully bake her own once she gives it a try at home. Teaching is fun!
On the topic of Kinfolk, my itch to have a copy of the latest issue in my hands is even itchier (?) than before. My friend Ashley (the same as the chai expert mentioned earlier) styled one of the shoots/stories for Volume 3 and I want to see it with my own eyes so badly! She posted a few out-takes from the shoot on her blog. What a tease!
PS. All of this idle time has me digging around too much in my favorite shops. I want this tote (a lot) and this bottle opener and this bath towel (so many great fog linens!) and this bag.