07 April 2008


I can't believe it. I found an apartment. It's perfect and I'm moving into it on Friday. The building is over 100 years old, brick, five stories. It still has all of the original woodwork and the little elevator with the gate door. My apartment is a large one bedroom/one bath (sharing with my sister) on the top floor and has views of down town Seattle. It has the original craftsman doors with glass door knobs, hardwood floors, big windows. The rent is $1045 - includes utilities. So split between the two of us it's only $525 which is almost unheard of.

I am so happy. It's all that I can think about. I've picked out everything that we need - and it's great because my sister pretty much has just put this into my hands. She trusts my taste, and is so busy with school and work that she said I can take care of all the decorating, dishes, linens, etc. This week is going to be full of trips to Ikea, Anthropologie, Crate & Barrel and fabric stores. I have a chair from the 60s that I got at Value Village last year. I'm going to re-upholster it and make pillows for my sofas. We need so many things that I've never had to worry about before. It sounds like we're going to be spending a lot of money - but we won't be. I'm being very thrifty!

This is so much fun! I can't believe how quickly this is all happening. It's like one great thing after another. I still can't get over how much things have changed in the past few months. My life is turning around so quickly. It feels so great to be moving forward.