27 January 2011

dreaming of spring

I don't last very long in the winter. I cannot stand the cold, the grey skies and the short, dark days. It greatly affects my mood - especially when I'm already struggling and feeling down on occasion. It's usually about this time that I start to feel completely restless and ache for summer weather. I entertain my idle mind with dreams of sandy beaches, warm breezes against my skin and linen dresses. Stephanie of Dores has been filling up her blog with images from her travels around India, which have been the perfect mental escape for me. This week, as Asher laid in my arms sucking on his bottle, fervently kicking his fat baby legs, I was possessed by her photographs and, completely in awe, wondered aloud, "I really want to go there - right now."

I also would really like to be able to wear much of Steven Alan's spring collection right now. Everybody in bloggy world is blogging about it, so I should probably spare my own of the repetitiveness - but evidently, I don't want to. They're nice to look at and dream about being able to wear in later months.

The sunshine will come again! I will remind my heart and mind of this until it returns.