22 April 2012

B A R C E L O N A   ,   D A Y S   3 ,   4    &    5

I just can't keep up! Now we've already left Seville (can you hear me weeping?) and arrived in Nerja today. I am finally in a small, slow-paced town so I can relax, have some much needed sleep and get my thoughts in order.

Barcelona is now a blur, even though it was only less than a week ago. The way time has been moving since we left Mallorca is so disorienting! We see and do so many things every day that it seems impossible that we've accomplished them all in merely a week. This is why it's a shame that I'm not able to write more frequently - I lose track of the details and by the time I sit down to recall them all, I simply can't!

So, here are the remainder of my days in Barcelona.


This greenhouse was huge and seemed beautiful! We were disappointed it was all locked up. 


Leaving our mark in Park Güell.


I know that I had a lovely time, that I laughed a lot (Elena is such a little comedian, wether she tries to be or not. She brings my heart so much joy!), slept very little and hardly had the time to see and do all that I wanted to. Although, our time here was honestly more about being with our friends and soaking them up than anything else. We roamed the streets for hours, visited Estación de França, we were chased out of the park while having a picnic by a thunder storm, saw some of Gaudí's houses (but did not have time to see La Sagrada Familia - so bummed!) and Park Güell. We drank a lot of coffee, met people from all over the world in the streets while out at night, and even made a couple new friends.

Soon to follow: Seville!

Ps. I keep forgetting to link you to my sister's blog! She started one just for this trip and she tends to do a better job of telling the story. magicsurrounds.tumblr.com