30 April 2012


I am going to take a little break from blogging over the next week or so. I became sick a few days ago and have been resting at Elena & María's home in Albacete since last Thursday. Our plans have gotten all mixed up to due to my health and various other things - but all is well! Their mother, Juani, has been treating me as though I were her own daughter and is taking good care of me. Such a sweet woman! I am so grateful for my friends - they have been our angels on this trip.

Tomorrow, Ashley and I will take a train to Valencia and then fly to Amsterdam. I am dreading this a little bit considering how I am feeling today, but we have to get up there in time for Ashley to catch her flight to California. So, we are staying there for only two nights (we found someone to stay with; our mom's friend's cousin!) unfortunately, but hopefully we can return in July so that we can spend some more time there. Meanwhile, I will be waiting for her in Liverpool where I'll be staying with my friend Stephen, whom I am so excited to see! Once I am settled in England I should have a lot of down time, so I'll pick up where I left off and share lots of pictures and stories from the beautiful Feria in Seville, plus all that followed.

For now, here are some images I grabbed from my instagram, covering the past couple of weeks. If you're not following me there yet, you should (alysonsharon)!

So, goodbye for now! Hasta pronto! See you soon!