27 June 2008
18 June 2008
stress management
Okay. I have to focus on something nice for a while to calm myself down!
I was thinking the other day that I really should document this chapter of my life in pictures a lot more. This is such a wonderful, important time and I want to be able to look back and have visual reminders of the people, places and memories. So, I started the other day when my sister and I were sitting down at the kitchen table for our gloriously fancy dinner of cheese, crackers and fruit. We had just gotten home from a day of lunch in the park, shopping for flowers, fruit and bread at Pike Place and wandering around down town. She was half naked (wearing only her bra, half-slip and sandals - so cute!), sewing a button onto her dress, while I stuffed myself with peaches, apples and goat cheese. It had been a beautiful, sunny day - which we have been seeing very little of in Seattle so far. Our kitchen was bright and warm, we were in a great mood. It was just one of those moments that struck me as being a very special one, but one that might slip from my memory eventually. I didn't want to forget it, so I grabbed my camera.
I did come up with another option after thinking about this whole Nordstrom predicament for a while. I think I should see if my other ex-POV assistant manager might need cashier help (rather than sales) in TBD at the down town store. That would make a lot more sense on so many levels. It would be so much less stressful. I would be able to walk to work every day - which means saving anywhere from $150 to $200 in gas every month. This idea relaxes me a ton. I think I will walk down there later today or tomorrow morning to talk to her.
Sigh. I hate money.
Alright. Tae says I can handle it. I'm going to keep telling myself that. I feel a little bit better now.
in a moment of desperation
Oh my goodness.
I feel like I am having a panic attack right now. I realized last night how frighteningly short on money I will be after this month. So this morning I applied for a job at Top Pot to be a barista since it is about 3 blocks from my apartment. They said they would be hiring "eventually" - which may or may not be soon enough.
So when I got home, I made a brash decision and called Nordstrom in Bellevue. I spoke to one of my old assistant managers from when I worked in POV last year. She manages the Kid's Shoes department now and needs sales help for the summer. I agreed to go in on Monday for the re-hire process...
What have I done? I feel sick to my stomach. Everyone knows I hated that job... it made me so unhappy. I feel like I have sold my soul to the devil. Ughh. I'm just hoping, hoping, hoping that Top Pot will call me before Monday for an interview. I would probably really enjoy working there. Coffee, tea and donuts. That would make for a chubby summer but a happier one!
I feel like I am having a panic attack right now. I realized last night how frighteningly short on money I will be after this month. So this morning I applied for a job at Top Pot to be a barista since it is about 3 blocks from my apartment. They said they would be hiring "eventually" - which may or may not be soon enough.
So when I got home, I made a brash decision and called Nordstrom in Bellevue. I spoke to one of my old assistant managers from when I worked in POV last year. She manages the Kid's Shoes department now and needs sales help for the summer. I agreed to go in on Monday for the re-hire process...
What have I done? I feel sick to my stomach. Everyone knows I hated that job... it made me so unhappy. I feel like I have sold my soul to the devil. Ughh. I'm just hoping, hoping, hoping that Top Pot will call me before Monday for an interview. I would probably really enjoy working there. Coffee, tea and donuts. That would make for a chubby summer but a happier one!
14 June 2008
13 June 2008
12 June 2008
bad news
Sometimes life is so unfair, but I've gotten so much better at finding the silver lining. I haven't quite yet this time, but I will try.
10 June 2008
mom is 56

Ashley and I made our mommy this cheesecake with homemade blueberry topping for her birthday yesterday. It was very tasty and we were very proud. Since I don't have any money, I decided to draw my mom a picture that she can hang in her house. I'm not done yet. I hope she will like it.
I have a lot of preparing and cleaning to do this week. Anastasia and Nate will be here on Sunday. I am so excited! This is the week I've been waiting for my whole life... or at least, it feels that way.
06 June 2008
03 June 2008
the man with the big red umbrella
I love this commercial so much. I've developed this new hobby of paying close attention to TV commercials and then finding the ones I love online. I also like to find really horrible ones and send them to Holly to laugh at. I have a huge list of them that I keep bookmarked. I saw this one while I was watching television last night. It made me so happy!
Today is such a gross day. Where did the sunshine go? It's June 3. I'm supposed to be going on picnics with my friends and taking Macy to swim at the beach. I really hope the weather gets better by the time Anastasia and Nate get here. We have so much planned and the majority of those things are outdoors. I cannot wait for them to get here. Twelve more days! It's going to be wonderful.
I feel like I'm in a strange hiatus stage of life right now. Everything was happening so quickly and now it's slowing down. It's been nice in a sense, because it's giving me a lot of time to think and plan. I have so many projects that I will be starting on soon, and many more keep getting thrown my way. Between mine and Anastasia's bakery plans, Nate's movie, Kelly's soda fountain and our other business venture that we're currently brainstorming, and a book Evan and I are planning to make eventually - life is going to end up being pretty hectic and busy in the near future. I have become surrounded by an amazing group of creative people who have the talents and abilities to do really neat things. It makes life so much fun and makes me so excited about the things I have to look forward to. I feel really lucky. Although, honestly, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little terrified. Making big, serious, grown-up plans is pretty scary. But I'm beginning to realize and believe that I can really do anything I want.